Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 69

Laurence was admitted to OHSU today after his appointment with his oncologist. He's had several issues the last several days, enough to cause his doctor to be concerned and admit him to the hospital.

Unfortunately, the hospital is 110% full and there are no available beds, so he is spending tonight in the emergency room. Laurence is such a trooper. In spite of the noise, confusion and conditions, he is calm and peaceful.

Please join me in knowing that wisdom guides the doctors and harmony prevails in the ER and wholeness is revealed.



  1. Tonight I will send extra Reiki, especially to you, dear one!

  2. I see you in my mind's eye, Christine, arm and arm with Christ! I see your faith guiding your steps and soothing your fears... I affirm your steady practice of Love and Compassion, seeing the Divine working through you.
    Much love to you!
