Friday, August 27, 2010

Blessed Day

Less pain and more clarity today. Laurence had a great talk with his Mom.

I asked Laurence what he would like to say about today. "Today was a blessed day. Everything was blessed all the way around."

Praise God.


  1. I pray for another blessed day today. XOXOX's to you both <3

  2. I can't believe I haven't met Laurence yet, because I feel like I know him through your loving descriptions. Let every day be blessed!

  3. Laurence is an extraordinary man. I've known that for years, but each of your blogs, Christine, shines an ever-more revealing light into the incredible depth and scope of his character. Blessings to you both.
    Terry and Lisa

  4. hopefully Laurence can start stringing good days together soon. He has an amazing spirit, he always did.
