Monday, July 5, 2010

More Blessings

After a very sleepy weekend, Laurence was very awake and alert today. His voice was strong and clear. He worked with his occupational therapist for a while.

There are several rosaries hanging on his IV pole as well as a beautiful medal Tom and Heidi Hill brought back from the Seattle marathon. Today his nurse told me that he finished the last of his IV meds. Another amazing blessing. Praise God!

Loraine is back in Sacramento and our friend Dave heads back to Reno tomorrow. Having them both here has been so supportive and healing for me in so many ways and I know Laurence was lifted by their loving energy in the room.

The response from the staff to your generous treats is awesome to watch. They feel appreciated and Laurence is lovingly cared for.

Thank you for your continued love, support, generosity and prayers. I am grateful for God's gracious blessings.


  1. We're so grateful that Laurence is continuing to improve every day. Bless you, Christine, and the healing power of prayer. Thanks so much for taking the time to give us all updates on Laurence's condition through your Wholeness Revealed blog. When Laurence reads your loving posts later, I'll bet there won't be a dry eye in the house. Happy tears are the best!
    Terry & Lisa
