Saturday, July 17, 2010

Giving Thanks

Today was very peaceful compared to the hectic day yesterday. Laurence was out of bed and in a wheelchair for about three hours today. His nurse took him on a tour of the rehab area and he used the arm cycle machine. Praise God!

His therapy schedule is intense. He is definitely worn out by the end of the day. Still dealing with a low grade infection.

I had a chance to soak in the beauty of the peaceful meditation garden on the hospital grounds this afternoon and and give thanks for all our blessings and for all of you. Thank you so much.



  1. Hopefulness fills my heart! Big hug~

  2. Gratefulness for God's grace. Being grateful brings more blessings.. so I'll give thanks in both langs.: Thanks to God and the Angels for healing and love for Laurence; Gracias a Dios y los Angeles por curacion y amor para Laurence!
    Love to both, Linda

  3. Prayers and white light coming your way!

  4. We're sending love and healing prayers out daily and are very excited and heartened to read about Laurence's amazing progress. May he have more energy, hope, optimism and progress each and every day!
    Terry and Lisa
