Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Nine Years

Laurence's symptoms are showing no sign of improvement so this morning he was taken off all liquids. He started receiving IV fluids and nutrition. By stopping all digestive activity his doctor hopes to calm the GVHD. The benefit is that he will be receiving nutrition and protein which he has been missing from a liquid diet. He is very tired and other than occasional cramping is not experiencing pain.

Today is our nine year wedding anniversary. We said a prayer of gratitude for our partnership and the blessings in our lives. You are an amazing part of our blessings.
Thank you so much.


  1. Blessings to you both on your Anniversary and always!

  2. You are just one of the most amazing couples that I have ever met. It is such an honor and privilege to know you both. Sending you all my best. Bobbi
