The snow left Portland almost as quickly as it arrived, so life is back to normal in the Rose City.
Laurence is enjoying your emails and cards. Thanks so much. He had a good day today and is appreciating your kind thoughts and prayers.
I found some fascinating information about the OHSU Cancer Institute. The name was changed to the Knight Cancer Institute a year ago after Phil and Penny Knight donated a transformational $100 million dollars to the center. The director of the Institute is the internationally known researcher, Dr. Brian Druker. Dr. Druker was instrumental in developing Gleevec, the first drug to target the genetic defects of a particular cancer while leaving healthy cells unharmed. I had no idea all this was happening in our own backyard!
I am so grateful to Laurence's oncologist, Dr. Gerald Segal, for his persistence and determination to reach out to find a solution to Laurence's condition. He has been in contact with doctors around the country during the 12 years he has been treating Laurence to find the latest research and treatment.
Prayers are a gracious gift of love. Thank you for your amazing gift.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Perfect Timing

My visit with Laurence was cut short today when it started snowing. Snow in Portland is usually breaking news and it doesn't take very much before the city shuts down. I left just at the right time. Within 15 minutes after I arrived home, everything was white. The news showed the freeway I had just traveled on was now a parking lot as cars were slipping and sliding through the snow. Praise God! I took the photo from the comfort and warmth of our living room.
Laurence was doing well today. I enjoy walking his laps with him. He shared with me about one of the patients he met. I mentioned before that Laurence is on a special diet. Well this man was excited to be released from the hospital and the restricted diet, so his first stop was to a fast food restaurant. Oops. Big mistake. He immediately got sick and ended up back in the hospital for another 30 days. He was discharged yesterday but I don't think he will be eating out anytime soon.
I heard from several friends that they had trouble posting comments. So sorry. I corrected the settings. Please try again. Let me know if you cannot post a comment.
Thank you again and again for your prayers. For it is written in Luke 1:37, "For nothing is impossible with God." Amen!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Inspiring View

Laurence had a much better day today than yesterday. He was able to receive the platelets today without a problem.
I appreciate your calls and emails checking in on me. I have moments of feeling sad and overwhelmed but the moments don't last long. I am comforted by your prayers and your love.
Laurence has a inspiring view from his room. We are blessed to live in such a beautiful city.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Thank you God
I forgot to mention I put up a flyer on Laurence's bulletin board with the spiritual acronym for chemo.
Thank you God!
Sharing Love
Laurence had an allergic reaction while receiving platelets this morning. The nursing staff caught it in time and was able to stop the procedure and gave him meds to stop the reaction. When I arrived at noon, he was tired but feeling better.
His physical therapist has given Laurence an exercise program to help him maintain his strength. I walked laps with him around the wing. Well, you know Laurence. He's been there three days and knows just about all the other patients on the wing. He not only remembers their names, he knows and remembers details about their families. Of course, the nursing staff loves him. Because of the holidays, there has been a different hospital staff everyday and evening. He will tell me where someone is from or where they went to school or how many kids they have. He is amazing that way. I've always told him he has good health care karma. I think much of it is due to the fact that he cares as much about his health care practitioner as they care about him.
I've learned so much about love from watching him. The more love you give out, the more you get back in return. I am so grateful God is so gracious.
Thank you for your emails, messages, prayers and long distance hugs. We graciously receive them all. XOXOXO
Saturday, December 26, 2009
A Healing Environment
Laurence's room is in the bone marrow transplant wing of OHSU hospital. The air is specially filtered and purified in the entire wing. Laurence cannot leave the wing while he is there receiving treatment. Every care is taken to ensure a bacteria free environment. As a result, plants and flowers are prohibited from his room and in the wing. He is also on a special bacteria-free diet which is closely monitored.
One of the nurses told us that a recently a doctor was visiting from another hospital and he thought he was exempt from the protocol of wearing a mask and gown while visiting patients. All doctors, nurses, technicians and visitors are carefully screened and required to wear a mask and gown and frequent hand washing is mandatory.
There is a wonderful staff that supports him in moving through this phase of the treatment including a physical therapist and a nutritionist. The staff is exceptional at patient care and explaining every procedure and protocol.
I was thinking about how everything has been carefully planned to minimize stress and to allow healing to take place. When there is order and clarity, there is a sense of peace. After a very stressful week, I am taking today to restore order and clarity to our home and to my life.
I am so incredibly grateful that Laurence is receiving care at one of the finest cancer centers in the US. We are so grateful for the prayers, love and support that are being sent our way.
We are all in agreement on the power of thought. Your greatest gift is to join us in envisioning that Laurence does not have leukemia, but is leukemia free. Thank you for your prayers, love and support.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas
Laurence is doing well today. His first infusion of chemo is going smoothly.
Laurence and I both wish you a very Merry Christmas and send our love and best wishes for a wonderful New Year.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Settled In
Laurence was admitted to OHSU today. He has a great team of doctors and nurses supporting him. His chemotherapy will begin sometime this afternoon. Initially, Laurence was preparing to have a bone marrow transplant in the next few weeks. We were thrown completely off guard when he was diagnosed with leukemia. Before he can have the transplant, they need to eliminate the leukemia.
He is in a protected, germ-free area where all hospital personnel and visitors are required to wear masks and gowns. Laurence is very appreciative of your prayers and promised to let me know when he is ready for visitors. This first week receiving chemo can be tough on the body. He will have his computer tomorrow and would love to receive emails. His email address is
His mailing address is:
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland, OR 97239
Attention: Laurence Green
I am lifted up every day with your prayers and support for both of us. Thank you so much.
The doctor stopped by today and apologized for spoiling our Christmas holiday. We were surprised by his comment. I guess it depends on how you look at life. We feel so blessed that this was diagnosed in time, that Laurence is receiving such excellent care, that we have so many loving, supportive friends and family and that we have each other. The gifts of love are priceless. Christmas is everyday that we live in love.
Blessings for a joy-filled, loving Christmas.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Living in the moment
Laurence spent the day at the hospital having tests done. He will be admitted sometime during the day tomorrow. His chemo treatment will start tomorrow and run for about 10 days. I will let you know when he is up for visitors.
We are both doing better today thanks to your prayers. Thank you for the wonderful messages and kind words and continued prayers. Life is chaotic at the moment. I may not be able to return calls. It is very comforting to know the love and prayers being sent our way.
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